Thursday evening on the way to Norwood for my regular Poker tournament my Saab’s front muffler went from "annoyingly rumbly" to full-out LOUD. I figured the hole had just gotten bigger and decided it might finally be time to get it looked at. Unfortunately, I still had to drive it ’cause Jeannie still had my van while hers was in the shop getting new head gaskets. So I drove the Saab to work on Friday. On my way home, I crossed Elm Street at Grant, doing so in front of an oncoming State Trooper who followed me onto Grant and pulled me over. I thought maybe he had HEARD me and that I was about to get a noise violation. Turns out my muffler was DRAGGING. (I couldn’t hear it dragging, so I think it was just hanging really, really low.) So now I HAVE to get it fixed in order to have the ticket I got expunged.
It’s now in the shop and I have my van back, as Jeannie’s is fixed. *sigh* Saab parts are EXPENSIVE, and I wanted an estimate on the transmission problem before I sunk $$$ into the exhaust. It might not be worth fixing!